The Brotherhood of Saint Gregory

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Reading Recommended by the Brothers

Updated October 9th, 2022

Be Friends of God: Spiritual Readings of Gregory the Great, trans. by John Leinenweber

Becoming Christ: Transformation through Contemplation, Brian Taylor

The Bible for Today’s Church, Robert A. Bennett and O.C. Edwards

Centering Prayer, M. Basil Pennington

The Challenge of Silence, Anselm Grun

The Church in History, John F. Booty

Closer than a Brother, David Winter

The Cloud of Unknowing, Anonymous

Clowning in Rome, Henri J. Nouwen

The Complete Works, Francis and Clare of Assisi

The Conference, John Cassian

Consul of God, Jeffrey Richards

Contemplations, Francis Nemeck and Marie Coombs

Contemplation and Compassion, Steven Chase

Contemplative Prayer, Thomas Merton

The Cup and the Waterfall, John Killinger

Daily We Touch Him, M. Basil Pennington

The Dark Night of the Soul, John of the Cross

The Day Christ Died, Jim Bishop

Desert Banquet: A Year of Wisdom from the Desert Mothers and Fathers, David G.R. Keller

Encountering the Depths: Prayer, Solitude, and Contemplation, Mother Mary Clare

Eyes to See, Ears to Hear: An Introduction to Ignatian Spirituality, David Lonsdale

Falling Upwards, Richard Rohr

Finding the Heart’s True Home, Richard Foster

Finding Your Prayer Personality, Ruth Fowke

Fire in These Ashes: A Spirituality of Contemporary Religious Life. Sheer and Ward

The Forgotten Desert Mothers: Saying, Lives, and Stories of Early Christian Women, Laura Swan

God’s Lovers in an Age of Anxiety: The Medieval English Mystics, Joan Nuth

History of the English Church and People, Bede the Venerable

Holy Listening, Margaret Guenther

Hope Against Darkness, Richard Rohr

The Imitation of Christ, Thomas á Kempis

Immortal Diamond, Richard Rohr

The Institutes, John Cassian

The Intentional Life, Basil Hume

The Interior Castle, Teresa of Avila

Introduction to the Devout Life, Francis de Sales

The Jesus Prayer for Today, Arthur A. Vogel

Journey into Christ, Alan W. Jones

The Journey into God: Healing and the Christian Faith, Kenneth Bakken

Journeys on the Edges: The Celtic Tradition, Thomas O’Loughlin

The Language of Silence, Peter-Damian Belisle

The Last Christian, Adolf Holl and Peter Heinegg

The Last Temptation of Christ, Nikos Kazantzakis

Letters of Spiritual Direction, Francis De Sales

Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, C. S. Lewis

Life and Holiness, Thomas Merton

A Life of Jesus, Shusaku Endo

Life of the Beloved, Henri Nouwen

The Little Flowers of Saint Francis, Anonymous

Liturgy for Living, Charles P. Price and Louis Weil

Living with Contradictions: Reflections on the Rule of Saint Benedict, Joan Chittister

The Man Born to Be King, Dorothy L. Sayers

Meditations with Meister Eckhart, Matthew Fox

Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis

Monastic Practices, Charles Cummings

A Monk in the World: Cultivating a Spiritual Life, Wayne Teasdale

Mysticism and Prophecy: The Dominican Tradition, Richard Woods

Open Mind, Open Heart: The Contemplative Dimension of the Gospel, Thomas Keating

The Other Side of Silence, Morton Kelsey

Out of Solitude, Henri J. Nouwen

The Poetic Imagination: An Anglican Spiritual Tradition, L. William Countryman

Ponder These Things: Praying with Icons of the Virgin, Rowan Williams

Poverty and Community: The Benedictine Tradition, Columba Stewart

Practice of the Presence of God, Br. Lawrence of the Resurrection

The Praktikos & Chapters on Prayer, Evagrius Ponticus

Prayer Of Heart and Body: Meditation and Yoga as Christian Spiritual Practices, Thomas Ryan

Receiving the Holy Spirit, Robert B. Hall

Reflections on the Psalms, C. S. Lewis

Reframing Religious Life, Diarmuid O’Murchu

Religious Life: A Prophetic Vision, Diarmuid O’Murchu

Revelations of Divine Love or Showings, Julian of Norwich

Rule for a New Brother, Van Der Looy

The Rule of Saint Benedict: Insight for the Ages. Crossroads, New York, 1992

Saint Francis of Assisi, G. K. Chesterton

Saint Francis of Assisi, J. Jorgenson

Saint Francis, Nikos Kazantzakis

The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, Benedicta Ward

Seeking God: The Way of Benedict, Esther De Waal

Sing a New Song: The Christian Vocation, Timothy Radcliffe

Singing the Psalms: How to Chant in the Christian Contemplative Tradition, Cynthia Bourgeault

A Spiritual Formation Workbook, James Smith and Lynda Graybeal

The Spiritual Lessons of the Religious Life, Lavinia Byrne

The Spiritual Worship: The Liturgical Tradition, Susan White

Standing in God’s Holy Fire: The Byzantine Spiritual Tradition, John Anthony McGuckin

The State of Religious Life, The Brotherhood of Saint Gregory

Thoughts Matter: The Practice of the Spiritual Life, Mary Margaret Funk

Tools Matter for Practicing the Spiritual Life, Mary Margaret Funk

To Pray and To Love: Conversations on Prayer with the Early Church, Roberta Bondi

Toward Holy Ground, Margaret Guenther

Understanding the Faith of the Church, Richard A. Norris

Veil and Cowl: Writings from the World of Monks and Nuns, James Simpson

The Way of a Pilgrim, Anonymous

Way of Simplicity, Esther De Waal

Wisdom Distilled from the Daily, Joan Chittister, OSB

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